Press Release 1714 “Wednesday of the Retirees”
Press Release 1714 “Wednesday of the Retirees”
Press Release 1714 “Wednesday of the Retirees”
I am sending you this video presented to you by comrade Sarghini Larbi, coordinator of the Arab countries.
A new year has begun and contrary to what some may suppose, the Government’s misdeeds to the detriment of retirees are the same as those it has been doing since its inauguration, but corrected and increased. Surely the relaxation, a product of the colored mirrors offered to certain social sectors thanks to an artificially cheap dollar, makes one presume a prosperous course in the economic field.
Trivandrum India : a WFTU affiliated pensioners conference was held today to strengthen the class struggle of Indian pensioners and push forward the resolutions of the 3rdCongress
Hoy se celebró una conferencia de jubilados afiliados a la FSM para fortalecer la lucha de clases de los jubilados indios y presentar la resolución del 3er Congreso.
The Usb pensionati and the Federazione del Sociale demonstrated in front of many post offices throughout the country, distributing leaflets and burning a three-euro note, the amount of the inflation adjustment for minimum pensions provided for in the budget law.
Meeting with pensioners and retirees, with the participation of comrades Mavrikos and Anda
Rencontre avec des retraités et des retraités avec la participation des camarades Mavrikos et Anda
Συνάντηση συνταξιούχων και συνταξιούχων με τη συμμετοχή των συντρόφων Μαυρίκου και Άντα
Encuentro de pensionistas y jubilados con la participación de los camaradas Mavrikos y Anda
Dear Comrade
Unfortunately, more than 20 days have passed since November, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has not yet paid the October salaries.
So we wrote this article against the non-payment of salaries and published it in the newspapers.
With my best regards
They have no intention for salaries to reach the teachers easily
By: Abdulwahed Mohammed
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